Mary! Keep in ur mind

ساخت وبلاگ

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and there we were together

in the wonderland

who could complete it the most?

 Sure Anathema as always in our memories

unbelievable impossible dreams came true

still I m not sure whether it was real or sweet dream

but remember

when there s no hope

miricles may happen

Mary! Keep in ur mind...
ما را در سایت Mary! Keep in ur mind دنبال می کنید

برچسب : نویسنده : strawberry-fields بازدید : 74 تاريخ : شنبه 24 تير 1396 ساعت: 19:01

I was never uncuttable the way u judged

I just thought u loved me in these years

Yeah it was a simple mistake to make which I couldnt easily take

But it s better to be awake

I wish u urself tell me the truth soon for God s sake

No matter how fucking my heart aches

u know I dnt want our love to be fake

we cant eat and have a cake like jerks

Mary! Keep in ur mind...
ما را در سایت Mary! Keep in ur mind دنبال می کنید

برچسب : نویسنده : strawberry-fields بازدید : 74 تاريخ : شنبه 24 تير 1396 ساعت: 19:01

the truth is he has never loved u, Idiot

time reveals anything

the time doesnt stop anymore when u look at me in the metro station..remember? How naive I was to beleive so?


Mary! Keep in ur mind...
ما را در سایت Mary! Keep in ur mind دنبال می کنید

برچسب : نویسنده : strawberry-fields بازدید : 70 تاريخ : شنبه 24 تير 1396 ساعت: 19:01